Jayne Martin’s writing career began with a twenty-year stint writing movies for television. Her credits include “Big Spender” for Animal Planet and “A Child Too Many,” “Cradle of Conspiracy” and “Deceived By Trust” for Lifetime. She has been the recipient of the following honors: Fall 2013 Women-On-Writing Flash Fiction Winner; 2016 New Millennium Writings Flash Fiction Finalist; 2016 Vestal Review VERA Award; 2017 Pushcart Nominee; 2018 Best Small Fictions Nominee. 2019 Best Microfiction Nominee. Her book of humor essays, “Suitable for Giving: A Collection of Wit with A Side of Wry,” was published in 2011. Her collection of microfiction, “Tender Cuts,” from Vine Leaves Press was published in 2019. She currently lives near Santa Barbara, California where she rides horses and drinks copious amounts of fine wine, though not at the same time. www.jaynemartin-writer.com
Jayne Martin