K Hank Jost writes fictions. He believes language is the only remaining commons, and through its meaningful deployment all lost commons may be rendered fresh. In the beginning was the Word: from a New Word, a New Beginning. Born in Texas, raised in Georgia, he moved to New York City from Southern Indiana in 2018. He currently lives in New York City where he reads, writes, and works. He has lived in too many places to list. He has read, written, and worked in too many places to list. He did not finish school, but he reads. He writes. He works. He has had many jobs, including working as a custodian, line cook, gas-station cashier, restaurant manager, bartender, baker, bouncer, pit musician, personal assistant, telefundraising operator, and public art museum gallery attendant–all to support the pursuit of his craft. His short story collection, Deselections, was released by Whisk(e)y Tit in 2022. He is the co-founder, project director, and editor-in-chief of ‘Spark, Sputter & Die,’ a literary-fiction centered multimedia and performance collective bringing artists from disparate disciplines together in a de-centered Charybdis of collaboration, alongside Andrew Links (co-founder, composer, and director-of-music/media). He reads as much as he can. Writes as much as he can. Works as much as he must.
K Hank Jost