Omar Sabbagh is a widely published poet, writer and critic. His first collection and his latest, fourth collection, are, respectively: My Only Ever Oedipal Complaint and To The Middle of Love (Cinnamon Press, 2010/17). His fifth collection of poetry, But It Was An Important Failure, is forthcoming with Cinnamon Press at the start of 2020. His Beirut novella, Via Negativa: A Parable of Exile, was published with Liquorice Fish Books in March 2016. He has published as well much short fiction, some of it prize-winning. A book-length study of the work of Fiona Sampson, For the Love of Music, is forthcoming with Anthem in 2019/20. He holds a BA in PPE from Oxford; three MA’s, all from the University of London, in English Literature, Creative and Life Writing and Philosophy; and a PhD in English Literature from KCL. He was Visiting Assistant Professor of English and Creative Writing at the American University of Beirut (AUB), from 2011-2013. He now teaches at the American University in Dubai (AUD), where he is Associate Professor of English.
Omar Sabbagh