The GAHA: Babes of the Abyss book tour kicked off with a packed hometown reading at Ithaca’s Buffalo Street Books this weekend, complete with booze, shoes that point to tomorrow, and the bang you’d expect. And I would be failing in my job as publisher if I neglected to mention that we sold out the shelves while there (which we hope are restocked by now, Ithacans). Stay tuned for upcoming tour date announcements, and please feel free to bother us if you’d like us to bring Whiskey Tit to your local bookstore or dining room.
The good news doesn’t stop there. In the Ithaca Times, reviewer Warren Greenwood calls the book “brilliant book, although dark and troubling,” adding “a number of commentators have said that Frankel’s vision is in the tradition of Philip K. Dick. But if I could say something heretical here, I think Frankel is actually a better world builder than Philip K. Dick.” You can read the full review here.
Franklin Crawford’s Tiny Town Times features a lengthy and wonderfully conversation between Franklin and Jon, wherein they discuss jail, liberating language, the decline of American values, the state of publishing, and Chicano slang. Says Jon, “Satire is best when savage. And humor is inherently cruel. There is a heart in all of it, of course. The wayward language was a self-indulgence. As a reader, I love wayward language. As a writer, it allows creativity. I am not a literary writer or an academic one, but I am an experimental one, with a strong intellectual and aesthetic background.” It’s a wonderful piece, and if everyone interviewed like this, I’d have no problems peddling books. Read it.