for all those lost without reason
stay safe in the strath / stay low / wade
in the gray / heron waiting / still / thistles & tall
grasses / can i wait / stray / lay my dreams
on the peat / watch them run / aflame / missing
mother / far gone father / saccharine flashes of home /
there / follow running water / cold tidal
mouth / there / ghosts of wolves trot / grown
dead pups / digging up tombs / the end of the earth
is north / do i remember / sun all hours / silver
darlings leaping / fistfuls of sloe / if i flatten
their faces / carve them into names on stone /
where moss will not / grow / where can i go /
My Partner Reminds Me the Universe Loves Me
I tell her:
Imagine a bowl
of half-chewed
cherries. Charred
logs left over
from a revelry.
A chickadee’s
simple tseet turns
into ceaseless
chatter, all reverie
now irascible
and gone.
a naked shore
suddenly torched
by the charge
of lightning
after evenings
of showers.
Imagine every
chary voice
didn’t whisper,
but shouted.
In her silence
I’m left
wondering, did I
Did I miss it all?