Stefan O. Rak

Stefan O. Rak lives in New York City, because it makes sense.
In the 1940s, his grandparents fled Ukraine for NYC, otherwise he may have never been born. As a child, some neurologists suspected that he had hypergraphia, but it turned out that he had other issues. He graduated high school a criminal musician and later got a Masters in Cinema Studies from Tisch. He’s worked as an archival director, film professor, record producer, experimental music programmer, and bartender.

Stefan self-published his first novel, New Roses, which he finished in Salzburg, Austria, and at Monet’s house in Giverny. He now owns a bar in the East Village, a few blocks from where he resides, and is thirty-five years old at the time of this writing. He is thrilled that his second novel, Adventures of Bastard and M.E., will be published by Whisk(e)y Tit in February 2018.




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