Greetings from America: Letters from the Trade Wars

By J. Bradley

Suggested price: $18.00 $18.00



America: infrastructure collapse, routine mass slaughter of children in their schools, made-up border crises, nooses hung in town squares, peak christian hypocrisy, agribusiness and pink goo and the deregulation of the FDA, sporadic global trade wars in the name of American greatness, democracy itself a twig snap away from avalanche.  We aren’t sure we’ll survive it, but we have no choice but to react to it, and we’re not wonks.  Every time 45 tweets, J. Bradley gets his wings, finding more brutal ways to separate the wheat from the chaff of American insanity in a character allotment or a cartoon.  Very few texts can capture what’s in the hearts and minds of any thinking person in America like J. Bradley. Some samples:


American Jesus, in His divine wisdom, blessed meat with His own hand. He tests us constantly to see who isn’t strong enough to join Him in American Heaven, in His perpetual war against all that is un-American.

My love,
Our pediatrician banned our son from his office after our son kicked him in the testicles twice.
“American Jesus will protect me,” our son said.
Later that night on the news, we watched more children die from the latest plague.

Sale date: May 15. Preorders available exclusively from Whiskey Tit will be shipped signed by the author

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ISBN: 978-1-7329596-2-0

Publication date: 15 May 2019

Paperback price: 14