Interiority of the Whore Post Deconstruction

I lost my virginity at 17

I made love to            I gave myself away

The first time I fucked I was 17, on a hand-me-down mattress, 
the same stained & lumpy container of cotton & rusted springs 
that I was born on. 

Poetic? Maybe. 
Or maybe it was just an old mattress & two hungry teenagers.
I was taught to read into it though: love making
                                                            something sacred. 
But what is sacred about fumbling? 
About the stretch & tear?        About the afterwards?

When I looked in the mirror, I wasn’t sure if I could see it, 
   the ruined thing, the youth pastors had threatened in church 
basements, on Friday nights around slices of Little Caesars,
            Hot-N-Ready (Congealed-N-Greasy) with their fake smiles 
& false promises of excellent sex if we could only wait—

            But the more sex I had, the better it was & I wondered why 
I would deprive myself for marriage when my parents 
            had proved it would be nothing more than bitterness, broken 
plates & bruised ribs.              I stared long & hard, looking 
            for all I had become: chewed gumstained sweater, broken doll, 
the whore—

The first time my father called me a whore, I was 13 
in the passenger seat of his Chevy & the only parting 
my legs had done was ten years prior for the grandfather 
he had left me with & again at 7 for someone else’s dad        
in the Sunday school room, after church—
            a violence I won’t remember until years later, 
when a man that I think I love, will brush his fingers
against my sex & the memory will burst like a bubble 
between my legs. My body will move against his 
without me in it for days after & he will ask if I am still 
in this with him & I will nod & shrug & pick a fight
                —an attempt to forget I ever remembered. 

When I was 11, my mother taught me that my body 
was like a puzzle piece. That God made men 
& women to fit together—
            My mother warned me:
            once you lose yourself, it gets easier to do it. 
A strange lesson, but one I held onto. 

For three years, of my young life I was: 
the loyal girlfriend           with an insatiable appetite,  
even after I caught him again & again with other 
women—I stayed, afraid of what leaving him, 
of what fucking someone else meant for my soul.

Eventually, the leaving came easy, 
as did the men after him:

There was the man who took: the ghost of his knee shoving my legs 
apart, every time I lay flat on my back & at my pap each summer, 
while they look for the abnormal cells he left on my cervix—

There was the man who expected: at 6pm, at 3am, the night before 
my thesis defense when he called me, high on acid & kept me up 
to protect him—from the curtains, from guilt, from his own mind. 

There was a handful of lovers, that let me hate them like I hated myself 
& somehow, they taught me more about love than the ones who claimed 
to have loved me—

I was 21 when I realized that I liked girls. 22 when I sat at the kitchen table 
& told my mom, who told me that I was the product of her religious crisis

                                    how heavy 

to be the downfall of self, 
                        the downfall of her, 
                                                the downfall of all the men     I’d led astray—

                                    how heavy. 

If I were a man, I would be a celebration.     

            a high-five bro!               locker-room-round-of-applause,

a champion. 

If I were a man, my lovers would be conquests 
            I would be envied       & encouraged             & idolized. 

But instead, I am a whore, 
                        a tramp,          a trollop,         a tart.                          

I am easy,                    nasty,               loose.                                                   

I fucked to feel something but each time I came
away from it the same as before. I wanted 
hellfire, or burning bush, or condemnation 
& every time it passed by me I got angrier.
I wanted a closeness to the God they all loved,
to the God they saw as something more 
than one of deprivation. 

When I was 22, I took a year of celibacy & after, I fell in lust 
with the first man who made me finish. He had a felony 
& a habit for making everything my fault. 

When I was 24, I moved across the country alone 
& in the silence of my one bedroom, I listened to my body 
& all the ways that she wanted—I gave & I took, but mostly 
I learned to ask & it was then that I heard my God, quietly 
at first & then louder & louder still—a throat raw, final 
outcry—an answer to all my questions. My God isn’t one 
of deprivation, of all take & no give. 
My God is the God of Love,               of Selflessness,             
            of Choice        of Pleasure,      of sex              
of Women,      of Whores                   of this, I am sure:
            A body, is a body, is a body & it wants.
                        A whore has a body & she wants, I want. 

Had I stayed, 
            had I curled into duty,            into responsibility, 
into a single man—
            I’d never have learned to love, haven’t yet 
only how to ask,          how to tell,        how to grasp pleasure 
            how to insist on my right to it,            insist on my worth 
because of it. 

            I am fearfully              & wonderfully             a whore.

The Whore’s Manifesto 

The whore believes in love & also           in the separation of love             from sex. 

The whore believes       in the complete separation         of the body            from the church.

                        Believes Jesus was also a whore—believes they would have eaten together.

The whore worships    at the alters of kink    & vanilla—shares in a communion   of fetish & fluid.

                        Believes in fellowship with whores.

The whore believes in monogamy       in multitudes       in multiples     in the multifunction              
of the lover.  The whore believes in genderless love                         genderless sex too!

                        Believes in one night /every night / never at night—                   

The whore believes in pre martial          post martial       open      & experimental

                        Believes in one lover / every lover / never lover—

The whore believes in pleasure   in want        in being forward         in telling      in regret free.

                        Believes also in no           & all it’s iterations. 

The whore revels in the body     in its function                inside & outside             of pleasure.

The whore can love modesty         can be a nudist         can be both      can be neither!                                                

The whore believes in respect                in respectful disrespect 

            in praise            & in degradation                                   believes in asking           Is this okay?

                        Does this feel good?            Do you like this?                           What would you like?

They believe in aftercare                  in mutual care              in communication & honesty.

The whore believes in safe sex        in plan b         in the woman’s right to choose

                        Believes life begins at first breath     believes in men shutting the fuck up about it.

The whore believes in comprehensive     equal access      education of sex

                        Believes in asking questions        in giving answers           in openness.

The whore believes in free & affordable healthcare          in normalizing & destigmatizing

            1-in-5 people                 in the absence of shame.

The whore believes the right to whore      in the right to not whore  

in not needing to defend either choice. The whore believes in minding your own damn business.

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