
By Hobie Anthony

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Louise has a mission. She has to deliver a black box through a Pacific Northwest that was ravaged by an offshore earthquake years ago. The box is seamless, with a single, blinking red light. Along the way she’ll find friends and foes. Her best friend, her soul-sister Maisie, will lead the way from a Spanner-village tower. Some will not survive the journey. Their fate can change in an instant, fickle variables in an unstable equation.

Liminal is a tale of hardship and transformation. It is about nature and technology, about humans trying to find their way in an uncertain world. Even the roads are full of holes. They have to rely on their wits, trusted friends, and Louise’s ancient Honda if they’re going to survive.


Publication date: 03 August 2022

Paperback price: 16


The Pacific Northwest needed a great new voice in science fiction and here he is. Liminal sings off the pages. Anthony writes with the crackle of an early Neil Stephenson and the insightful rage of KW Jeter.

– Jeff Johnson, author of The Darby Holland Crime Trilogy and Dime Bag Sadie

Anthony invokes a pantheistic vision throughout that counters the viciously stupid world they must live in. It is a book of people forming families, where love is the one quality essential for survival but as ever is elusive. He plays with trust and illusion, the illusory ego, the person who is not who they claim to be. The descriptions of Cascadia are gorgeous. Anthony's prose shimmers on every page while there is enough sex, drugs and violence to keep it dangerous.

– Jon Frankel