When you put something out at the end of the year, the unspoken rule is that in the intro you must: wax poetical about the past year, make a parallel between the new year and some new beginning, maybe call your project “a Christmas gift to all of you out there.”
MY Christmas gift to all of you out there is to cast off the burdensome weight of this literary tradition. You’ll get no reflection outta me.
I’m happy to present to you work by eight outstanding authors whose work is a flurry of many flavors of devious and deviant behavior.
Til Next Year,
Meagan Masterman
Managing Editor
Issue 3, December 2020
1. It’s unclear to me where we are going. I see nothing but...
Blindness I can't see anything out of the windowBecause of the way I'm...
my mom’s laddoo for the soul the sky is an oil-stained paper plate...
Of course we are jealous of you. To be enclosed forever inside a...
“a vast sea where there is nothing but the abode of monsters” Phrase...
Daughter of Bilitis I’ve come to the local library to findBarbara GittingsJust behind...
Let My Cruelty be your Teacher
Let My Cruelty Be Your Teacher her father heaves upon his chosen branch ...
Promotion Pitch Document (Real Executive Level Stuff) (Draft 1) (Watch Out Marisa Mayer!!!)
I, Gina Sicarelli, 29-and-a-half-year-old Mid-Level Code Engineer and Architect on Green Pod 2,...